Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Stupendous Serpents!

Snakes are one the weirdest creatures that live on this earth -  feared in some cultures and revered in others, these slithering serpents are phenomenal beings that inspire fascination as well as dread. Enthusiasts keep them as pets while some countries experience them as deadly pests. From harmless grass snakes to crushing pythons, you can also find the most astonishing ones from around the globe that look as if they have come straight from Grimm's fairytales! Let's take a look: 

Tentacled Snake 

Firstly, the Tentacled snake (Erpeton tentaculatum) is an extremely strange serpent that seems like a peculiar hybrid! This snake has two tentacle-like appendages on it's head that aid it when hunting it's prey as well as servicing as an element of disguise. As an aquatic snake, the tentacles serve to mimic water plants and foliage and they can even develop a fuzz of algae on their skin to add to the camouflage so that unsuspecting fish will enter their space. But this snake doesn't just use it's unusual attributes for hiding, the "feelers" are also excellent sensors for detecting prey especially in low-visibility so that they can deploy a signature move with flex-like agility to capture their dinner. This skill involves bending itself into an arc like a stretchy boomerang around the back of their prey as they attempt to flee, and thus confuse fish into their open jaws - this all happens within 30 milliseconds! Not only that, but this snake also has a venom which excretes from it's grooved teeth to disarm fast-swimming prey. A creature of many talents! 

Malagasy Leaf-nosed snake

Another curious-looking snake is the Malagasy Leaf-nosed snake which has an additional pointy or leaf-like nose which it uses within it's tree environment. The creature will use this unusual trait to blend into the natural foliage as a clever way to avoid predators or lay in wait for prey. This animal is particularly long (up 1.20 m long) and slender so that it is easily mistaken for a branch and it has even adapted to swaying with a tree if it is rocked by the wind! It will wait until it's prey is only centimetres away before attacking, therefore keeping up it's ingenious illusion.  It is still not fully understood what the full properties and purposes are of this extra leafy appendage, but it definitely seems to work to the snake's advantage and serves as an excellent , if slightly creepy, pretense. A true master of disguise. 

Brazilian Rainbow Boa

As well as odd physical characteristics, there are also some really stunning snakes that have almost magical qualities! The aptly named Brazilian Rainbow Boa is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful snakes around the world. Blessed with an iridescent quality, much like an oil-spill, this creature shimmers due to the incredible quality of it's scales that create tiny prisms which refract light! As well as the living-rainbow glimmer, it also has exquisite markings and a deep rich colour - this can vary from reddish browns to oranges. A mesmerising serpent that you could almost imagine appearing as a witches' familiar!


Desert Horned Viper

The Desert Horned Viper looks like it could be a demon in disguise - the horns and a sinister countenance give it a very uncanny appearence. The horns themselves are actually upturned scales and these serve to protect their eyes from sand in their natural desert habitat. They are quite short snakes (average 30cm-60cm) and are light-bright, yellow or sand which ensures they blend spectacularly into their environment. Typically they submerge themselves in the sand to hide from predators but also to ambush their prey! This horned serpent is also one of the snakes that rattles when threatened by rubbing together their serrated scales so you may even hear them before you see them. If that wasn't enough, they are considered very poisonous with their venom causing blood clotting, however this is only deadly to humans in rare cases - phew! 

Spider-tailed Viper

Now we come to a snake with a truly freaky feature - the Spider-tailed Viper. If snakes weren't already scary enough, this creature possesses an extraordinary tail accessory that looks like a spider! This snake flicks it tail around to mimic a scurrying arachnid and therefore catch the attention of birds and draw in it's prey. This species was only discovered as recently as 2003 - many scientists before were unable to confirm it was actually a species of it's own and not just a tail deformity. Found in western Iran and Iraq, these snakes also have colours that perfectly match their rocky habitats so they can truly deceive and create this terrifying (and tempting) facade. This performance has got to be one of the most remarkable of snake tactics and definitely makes it one of the most exceptional serpents. 

And just for fun...the Two-headed snake!

Is this even real? The answer is ...yes! However, this isn't some new abnormal species, this is actually a genetic mutation that on rare occasion occurs in reptiles and animals. This anomaly is known as bicephaly which is an unusual condition that happens during reproduction, but it is more likely to happen to creatures who gestate within an egg as they are more vulnerable to environmental exposures. That being said, it only occurs in 1 of every 100,000! So it has to be the weirdest and rarest serpent of all!   

If you didn't already have a love for snakes before, perhaps now you have a new found respect for them. At the very least you can appreciate them for what amazing creatures they truly are! And Alchemy captures their otherworldly beauty and ferocious nature in their designs:

(Also with matching accessories)

- Rose Jekylle 🌹

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Beltane: Fire and Fertility!

 Beltane blessings to all that follow! And to those that don't.. maybe you're wondering what it is all about? 

Firstly, it is one of the eight Sabbats celebrated throughout the year by many Pagans marking the halfway point between spring equinox and summer solstice - and finally the beginning of summer! Officially observed on the 1st May (but continuing throughout the month), it is a time when the light is truly overcoming the dark, the sun is coming out and life is abundant everywhere. You can witness all this in the natural world around us - animals are having babies, flowers are in full bloom and (hopefully) the warmer days are now in full swing. And, if you are like me, you will be donning your biggest wide-brim sunhat, slathering yourself with high-factor sun cream, and finding a way to stay cool and look cool in the heat...

Fertility festival 

Beltane is a lively and vibrant festival heavily associated with fertility and the celebration of life!  This is typically commemorated with energetic folk music and a dance performance around a huge Maypole. Ever seen the film The Wicker Man? This is demonstrated in one of the scenes where the dancers create patterns with ribbons to bind the maypole and thus is a manifestation of fertility. It is even mentioned how the pole itself is actually a phallic symbol! 

This is also widely performed even today and is seen as a crucial part of May day celebrations as well as being a ritualistic rite. There is sometimes even dramatic displays where a May Queen and King are crowned on the day and are representative of the god and goddess who will be bringing life into the world.

Please see these outstanding pieces by Alchemy below, Danu and Sin Horned God showcasing the wisdom and serenity of the mother goddess and strength and wildness of the Green god - honour the Queen and King within!

Celebrations and Manifestations 

 Although symbolic of fertility, Beltane is also a time for love and bringing forth new ideas and ventures. It is the new birth of creativity, and breathing life into our hopes and dreams! You can create your own small spells and rituals using simple methods to manifest what you want to achieve in this season. One way would be to create a spell jar - a very effective and easy way to channel magic into your every day life. 

Start by gathering ingredients that are associated with Beltane, for example - the colour red, plants such as hawthorn and sweet woodruff, brightly coloured flowers, crystals (Rose Quartz, Carnelian to name a few good ones) and any special trinkets or personal talismans you may own or wish to use. Then find a good jar for to put your items into, clear your mind and focus on your intended purpose - should it be to bring new love into your life, or strengthen a current relationship, or to bring forth joy or intimacy or whatever it is you crave! You may speak words or you may wish to be silent in your spell working, but once this is complete you can seal the jar with candle wax and then burn the candle nearby to activate the magic and blessings.  Don't forget to display your spell jar somewhere it is prominent and visual to remind you of it's power and energize your intention every time you are near it! 

Remember that you can use all these aforementioned items as decorations for your home and altar to honour Beltane - as well as using them to decorate yourself! You can add some sensational key pieces to really make your ritualistic attire stand out:

Bonfires are a real key part of the celebrations at this time of year, the bigger the better. It is an event of jubilation, passion and lots of excitement! Fire is representative of the energy and vigour of this sacred time, and it is used by those who wish to embrace the power from that natural element.  Originally, as part of Druid beliefs, it was said that people would lead their cattle between two huge bonfires to ensure they would be rid of disease for that year. 

Fire-jumping is also a key tradition of Beltane where participants literally leap over the flames in order to manifest their desires as well as banish the things they no longer wish to hold onto - as well as bringing fertility to young maidens! You can see this (again)! in the film the The Wicker Man where naked women leap over a small fire in which to encourage the blessing of bearing children.  And if you are feeling like you want to encompass the spirit of this fiery tradition then look no further than the Pagan totems that Alchemy have to offer - see one of my favourites Corn Witch below:

If you decide to take part in anything with open flames then it is best to partake in an official marshalled event and be fully aware of fire-safety.

Modern festivities

The actual festival of Beltane lands on the official May Day date and this is typically celebrated throughout Britain from organised community events to closed rituals and all in-between - basically it is a time to party! You can expect to see Morris Dancing (one of my personal favourites), archery competitions, folk music and live performances. And of course plentiful food and drink! So fill up your tankard and join us in the merrymaking:

One particular event that took place this year was a May Day commemoration at The Wolseley Centre  in Staffordshire - this was complete with dancing, music, a May Pole and a live dramatisation of the fight between winter and summer - the Ice Queen and Green Man battle it out! Do we want bright sunny days and beer garden afternoons? Or ice-bitten fingers and endless bouts of the flu? 

This performance was accompanied by drumming and throwing snowballs at the Green Man, much to the amusement of the children in the audience, as the Ice Queen made her vain attempt to remain on her throne - yet she was overthrown! Hopefully that means the rubbish weather has passed for now and we can finally enjoy flowers and fruits from our gardens and relax in the warmth of the summer months. 

After the performance, a more solemn and traditional ritual was held as a local Druid group performed an open circle where the Quarters were called and the orchards were blessed. Local families were also encouraged to join in and speak about any hopes or thanks they wished to bring forth. It was a truly magical experience all round that I was lucky to be a part of!  

So if you want to wholeheartedly take part in pagan traditions or simply want to enliven your inner witch, then check out what Alchemy has to offer to help you manifest your desires for this season:

- Rose Jekylle 🌹

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Trade with Alchemy!

Are you a big fan of Alchemy? Love all things gothic and alternative? Have a flair for business and a passion for connecting with customers? Or perhaps you already have your own company and want to add some unique and beautiful jewellery to your inventory? Well.. you can become an Alchemy stockist!

Becoming an Alchemy Stockist

If you have decided this is for you then congratulations and welcome to the Alchemy inner circle!  Starting from humble beginnings in Leicester, Alchemy is not only passionate about creating phenomenal designs but we are also dedicated to supporting small businesses. Over the years, we have made connections with both trade and wholesale companies from all over the globe and we are always thrilled to include even more retail friends. 
Alchemy works with a variety of different kinds of businesses such as online companies, physical shops, and even market traders. We make a special effort to ensure we put our customers' best interests at heart and avoid trading with too many companies in one location so as not to cause business competition or conflict. We also are eager to help promote businesses using our own official online platforms (e.g. social media, Alchemy website etc), to increase your company's online presence and encourage more customers to your door!

All the Benefits!

If you become an Alchemy stockist you will literally be able to reap all the terrific benefits!
Firstly, our excellent trade prices will be available to you as a trade customer and great discounts on large quantities - not to mention our exclusive offers throughout the year, especially when we bring out brand new collections. Rest assured you will be the first to know about any new releases before they even go live! Alchemy also offers a low minimum order and flexible trade accounts to help you get started. We even give suggested retail prices and a high price mark-up so your new Alchemy collection is profitable as well as distinctive. You will also get access to our official digital aids such as promo images to further boost your advertising of our collection.

Once you have made your enquiry you will be assigned your own personal trade rep who will liaise with you about your order progress, product availability, time frames and answer any queries you may have. Your trade rep will also be there to offer product suggestions, best-seller information, and general customer engagement - there is nothing like a real person to speak to! 

You will be sent a physical trade pack which includes pricelists, promotional aids and some exclusive freebies. It also includes one of our magnificent Alchemy catalogues for you and your customers to browse (and potentially make orders)!

Trade Shows and Special Events

As a trade customer, you will have the opportunity to attend trade shows such as the Spring Fair at the NEC and get to see our brand-new Alchemy pieces up close in our booth before they go live on our website. We have our very own Alchemy trade stand where you will see all our gorgeous jewellery pieces as well as our sensational homeware to get a real impression of what kind of products will work best for you. More Alchemy freebies and special trade show prices are available when ordering on our trade stand and you will also get the chance to meet your trade representative!
In the past, we have opened the Alchemy Headquarters to our amazing trade customers with the chance to get some amazing bargains and the pick of discontinued Alchemy lines. We showcase artefacts from the olden days and display our incredible artwork with the chance to speak with the artists who create the Alchemy wonders. We even provide a bite to eat for our customers to make it even more of a fun event for everyone!

We keep all of our customers updated about when and where we exhibit and dates for any upcoming Open days, giving you plenty of time to plan out your calendar to come and visit us! 

Don't delay! Simply fill in a trade enquiry form or pick up the phone and drop us a line. Please contact us anytime and a member of the fantastic Alchemy team will be in contact and guide you through the next exciting steps.
With so many opportunities and adventures ahead, what are you waiting for?!

- Rose Jekylle 🌹

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

New Year, New Creations!

We have come to what is supposed to be the end of winter and nearly the start of spring... and yet it is still so dull and chilly! With Christmas over and the festivities dying down, it feels like the warmer days will never come. But it is the perfect time to really focus on all the good things in our lives, New Year's resolutions, and of course, revamping our wardrobe! 

There is nothing like a style refresh to blow away those cobwebs - or actually adorn ourselves with!

The matching set of Black Widow pieces are a spectacular way to add drama to any ensemble and are part of the brand-new collection from Alchemy available right now from the website and many other of our retailer friends. Pair these with some red eyeliner, chunky boots, and cosy woollen tights and you have got yourself the perfect spooky outfit for those wintry mornings. 

As the wheel of the year starts to turn the first Pagan festival Imbolc (Feb 2nd) marks the start of Spring and a time for new beginnings. For anyone wishing to observe this celebration, Alchemy has your ritual embellishments covered - see the enchanting crescent moon pieces that come with a choice of different coloured droppers. The crystals can match any outfit or taste, as well as represent the things you wish to manifest in your life. I will definitely be picking The Green Tear to aid abundance and prosperity after the expense of the festive season!

If the witchy vibe is your thing then the Priestess of Ishtar is an exceptional necklace which showcases the phases of the moon in a collar-style design. The cut-out moons will look mesmerising against bare skin for party attire or resting over your winter layers as an everyday statement. This is a truly distinguished piece that will be the focal point of any outfit - and the focus of anyone's attention!
Named after Ishtar, a deity associated with love and sexuality, this is indeed a powerful symbol to add to your jewellery collection. Paired with the matching earrings and bracelet, the wearer will radiate elegance and leave onlookers spellbound. With Valentine's Day just around the corner, this piece can only add to your luck in love. 

What could be more of a formidable piece than Alchemy's new necklace The Undertaker ? This design exudes a dark omen essence with the skull and cross bone detail and the dark chain. Complete with a working stopper, the wearer will look like an apothecary carrying a sinister potion - is it an elixir or poison? You decide. 

For those fans that are fascinated by all things Nordic, then the Journey to Valhalla may be the ideal totem for you. This piece is a tribute to Valhalla - the Viking warrior heaven - and would be the perfect accessory to hang over your favourite band t-shirt or muscle vest. This piece portrays a helmeted skull with a runic symbol and could be used as a protection symbol for those heading into everyday battles! 

If you prefer a more subtle addition to your wardrobe, look no further than the delicate goddess earrings Danu, simple and classy and an homage to Wiccan beliefs. Not to mention the new collection of Alchemy rings which are sure to add a unique twist to your everyday work wear,  Le Chat Noir is a cunning little character to spice up the boring office dress code. 

And of course, no Alchemy collection would be complete without an ode to ravens and the grandmaster of gothic literature Edgar Allan Poe. The Nevermore Raven is pure sophistication as well as a foreboding sign of the dark world beyond the living realm with the inscribed words from Poe's most famous poem. And the terrifically terrifying Curse of Coronis choker will ensure that everyone knows that the wearer is a force to be reckoned with - like the raven: majestic, beautiful, and menacing.

Finally, not forgetting the new Alchemy calendar The Spellbound Heart - it's not too late to order yours! With unique Alchemy artwork for each month, you can work through 2024 with these majestic gothic designs skilfully created by the Alchemy team of artists. 

So let Alchemy help you get ready for the "New Year, new you!"

Monday, June 19, 2023

Spiders: Scary and Spectacular!

For some, the concept of finding any type of spider in their room makes them want to torch the house, while for others it is a complete love affair with those amazing arachnids.
There are so many fascinating variations of the species, even bordering on the magical. Let's take a look at the incredible sights and skills of these creepy critters...


We all know that spiders are master crafters of weaving webs and hanging from the ceiling, but some of these creatures have even more abilities.
The hilarious-sounding Flic-Flac (Cebrennus rechenbergi) spider has a very unique way to get away from dangerous scenarios, by cartwheeling! This spider can move forward at 2 metres per second which is pretty energetic for such a little creature, especially as it lives in the Moroccan desert and has been known to summersault up sand dunes. This little fellow has also inspired a robot design due to its crazy movements!

Spiders from the Selenops genus have the startling ability to glide and can even parachute down from tropical trees. These creatures will stretch their legs out and steer themselves in mid-air to control their descent and landing, which sounds both astounding and terrifying if you happen to be walking beneath the tree canopy during these spiders' retreats! However, thankfully these spiders typically reside in the tropical forests of Panama and Peru so you are fairly unlikely to encounter these aerial experts on an ordinary nature ramble. Phew.

Fashion show!

All creatures in the animal kingdom love to show off their beauty, especially for mating rituals, and arachnids are no exception. Of course, spider attractiveness is rarely appreciated by us humans but some species are just too stunning to ignore. 

Located in Asia and Oceania, the Peacock (Maratus volans) spider is as eye-catching as you can imagine. The radiant colours and patterns on its body are simply gorgeous and definitely refer to its animal namesake - the bright feathered bird. There are many different types of this spider but the males all sport a distinctive colourful flap that they raise like a peacock’s fan tail during courtship displays. On top of this impressive exhibition, these spiders also love to show off their fantastic dance moves to impress the females. If you have got it then flaunt it! 

The Mirror or Sequined spider (Thwaitesia argentiopunctata) is also a creature of extraordinary beauty, Adorned with reflective scales,  this spider looks truly magical like a mosaic work of art! The reflective quality of their bodies is actually formed from guanine within their digestive system and it works as an effective camouflage against predators. It is even said that one may actually be able to see their reflection in their bodies, although they are pretty tiny only measuring up to 4mm - making them tiny jewelled beings!


Some spiders even surpass the normal skills of arachnids and can perform remarkable talents to enable them to catch their prey.
We assume that most spiders can't survive excessive water but the Diving bell spiders (Argyroneta aquatica) have an astonishing way in which to breathe underwater - by creating an air bubble around themselves! They use this technique to stalk and capture their prey and then trap them within the bubble as they devour their meal. Pretty brutal. These spiders spend the majority of their time beneath the surface and their air pockets can even last for more than a day so they can remain submerged. Therefore they are effectively known as water spiders and, at only 10-15 mm in size,  use vegetation to create their very own little underwater nests. If it wasn't for their quite painful bite, they might be kind of sweet.

The Funnel-web spider (Hadronyche and Atrax) is given this name due to the shape of its web and tunnel-shaped hideaway lair, and can definitely be considered a super-spider! They create their habitat by burrowing into sheltered areas, such as rotting logs, under rocks, etc., and then create a series of trip wires over and around the entrance that alert them to any trespassing insects that will make a tasty meal. These silken lines can also warn the spider of any potential danger or even passing mates which is certainly a useful feature to have from within their safe and dampen refuge. When they are hunting for food and become aware of said intruder, they quickly leap into action and rush from out of the entrance of their home to grab hold of the unsuspecting victim subduing them with their poisonous fangs. Not only is this a terrific form of meticulous planning and super speed, but they also have a deadly venom that can kill humans in only 15 minutes!  

Just weird

Now, we have looked at the marvellous things that spiders can do but sometimes there are just plain weird behaviours of these confounding creatures. 

The aptly named Bird Dung Crab spider (Phrynarachne ceylonica) uses its spidey skills to literally disguise itself as a blob of bird poo...nice. The method behind this madness is that it attracts insects with a faecal appetite as well as forming protection from predators who will avoid what looks like a fresh splat of poop. This is a very strange technique of camouflage but it works most effectively! It truly fools other creatures with its warty appearance, shiny wet skin, and stinking smell, and also immobilises itself to add to the facade. Simply, all this spider needs to do is assume a curled-up position and wait for dinner. 

Another BIG weirdo from the spider species is the South American Goliath Birdeater (Theraphosa blondi) -  already sounds horrifying by the name! A real freak of nature this is the largest spider known in the world and can grow up to 12 cm with a leg span of up to 28 cm. Despite being huge, research shows that its bite is not deadly to humans but it very is unpleasant as they use their needle fangs which measure up to 1 inch in length. These would most assuredly come sharp! They also have another bizarre defence method that they employ by rubbing their legs together and shredding their urticating hairs which cause skin irritation and even allergic reactions in humans. Fortunately, there is some warning if you are in this spider's territory...they are known to make a loud hissing sound which can be heard from up to 15 feet away. On top of this, you would also hear them coming as at their largest they can weigh the same as a puppy and their feet make a clicking sound that is described as horse hooves hitting the ground. YIKES! 

So if you want to show your new-found love of spiders or feel you want a talisman to ward off those creepy crawlies, then check out the wonderful ranges available from Alchemy:

Emerald Venom (P432) ~ Necklaces | Alchemy England

Spider (HD10) ~ Hanging Decorations | Alchemy England

Emerald Venom (R222) ~ Rings | Alchemy England

- Rose Jekylle 🌹

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Bizarre Mythical Beings

When we think of mythical beings the usual suspects come to mind: unicorns, dragons, pixies and elves! But what about those creatures that come from other myths and legends? The creepy and down-right bizarre beasts that come from all corners of the earth and dwell in the deep.

Let's delve in and take a look...

Harmless Hybrids 

The Wolpertinger: a hybrid creature from Bavarian folklore, suggested to be originally created as a story to freak out tourists in the 1800s,  it is a hare and deer amalgamation but has also been known to be formed from many other parts of different animals.. a bit like a Frankenstein's monster creation!
This being is often shown on display in places like pubs and tourist attractions as a taxidermy mishmash. A seemingly harmless creature of legend, it is said to be formed from a cross-breeding and that you should be on the look out for it's mischievous behaviour. The Wolpertinger also has a patent for female beauty and is said to be drawn to young attractive women! 

The Hippocampus: From Greek legends, this creature is depicted as a horse with the tail of a fish and is said to be one of the creatures that pulled the God of the Sea Poseidon's chariot. Although it's name loosely translates as 'Sea Monster' the legend claims that this creature is benevolent and is a symbol of hope and strength. These kind-hearted beasts are respected by all other sea beings and they are known for saving sailors from drowning and helping underwater creatures. 
The Hippocampus was said to have been formed within the waves of the ocean and relate two both Greek and Roman mythology with their appearance reflecting the God Neptune as well as the aforementioned Poseidon. Despite resembling a horse, they are often portrayed as having scaly green or blue skin and looking very much like a gigantic seahorse! So even though they travel in groups and are large in size, these seem to be the creatures you would want on your side when you set sail.

Monsters of the Deep

The Bakekujira: From a Japanese folk tale, this terrifying looking creature is also known as the 'Ghost Whale' and takes the form of a whale skeleton. It is suggested that the legend was created when fisherman on the Shimane peninsula tried to harpoon what appeared to be an enormous white whale but every attempt went straight through the creature as if it were only bone - they soon realised that they were attacking a skeletal monster!
In the olden days, when whales were plentiful, the sight of one would be considered a blessing but this creature brings a deadly curse. According to the legend, the Bakekujira are the spirits of whales who were killed for their meat and oil, and that they will seek vengeance on those who had killed them and curse them with great misfortune, bringing disease and disaster to their community. 

The Basilisk: Now some of you Potter-fans may have heard of this one, the snake creature depicted in JK Rowling's bestselling books. However, the European legend itself is a lot more varied. The being comes from Hellenistic and Roman times and is known to have a lizard form and even referred to as the Serpent King. The beast is truly dangerous and has the most poisonous venom coursing through it's body that it's very breath causes plants to wither!
It also possesses a deadly stare that will kill anyone that looks directly at it. But differing from what we may know about the myth, it isn't actually that big in size and was supposedly formed from a egg laid by a cockerel and then hatched by a snake giving it's other name 'Cockatrice.' It is also thought that the sound of a cockerel crowing would kill the Basilisk. At least that's some defense from it's destructive powers! 

Doom Mongers

The Mare: From Norse legend, this creature is literally the personification of a nightmare! The name refers to the 'Mara demon' and the Slavic and Greek roots of the name relate to "death" and "nightmare."  This sinister sounding being comes in the form of different creatures, sometimes a horse, cat, frog and even human form, and were said to enter the rooms of victims and sit upon their chest giving them terrible nightmares.
Some victims reported that they felt as if they were being crushed or suffocated in their sleep and even that they had dreamt they had been riding a demonic horse and aptly visions from these creatures have been known to be called 'mare rides.' The legend stems from the concept of old witches or hags with malicious intent to inflict torture and anguish on their sleeping victims. Creepy to say the least. 

The Banshee: This creature comes from Irish Folklore and is portrayed as an Omen of Death. The being shows itself in the form of a female spectre, either a young woman or very old and haggard, often shrouded and with red eyes from endless sobbing. The legend says that the Banshee knows when death is coming for you or a family member and warns people by shrieking.
Their screams are said to shatter glass! The origins go as far back as the 8th Century and seem to refer to women known as 'keeners' who would sing lamentations for the dead or dying. This seems to have evolved into a terrifying notion that these women somehow know when death is coming and thus created the frightening creatures of legend that will send fear into the hearts of many who are unfortunate enough to hear their wailing cries!

There you have it! A collection of some weird and deadly creatures of past legends to feast your eyes on. And if you have a particular fondness for creatures big, small and bizarre then check out these Alchemy pieces below:

- Rose Jekylle 🌹

Stupendous Serpents!

Snakes are one the weirdest creatures that live on this earth -  feared in some cultures and revered in others, these slithering serpents ar...